Tag Archives: blogs and blogging

Tents Not Needed…

wordpressiconFolks who’ve taken my WordPress Course already know that the software used is WordPress–one of the most popular website/blog authoring programs because it’s user-friendly and free!

What you may not know is there are WordPress Camps held around the world that focus on “everything WordPress.” Everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other.

And there’s one scheduled in Portland Maine on August 15-16!

But wait, there’s more! Not only is WordPress free… it only costs $30 to attend both days! So dig out your pocket protector and check out the details: http://2014.maine.wordcamp.org/. Unfortunately, a prior commitment prevents me from attending on Saturday, but I hope to be there Friday… if you decide to attend, let me know and we can try to meet!