There’s plenty of uncertainty about it but NetFlix appears to be planning a release of Season Two of the 13 Reasons Why series soon. As a result, it’s likely some teens and young adults will be rewatching season one–or possibly even watching it for the first time.
While this book and the resulting series need not be feared, those of us who are actively promoting suicide awareness and prevention are at least mildly disturbed that 13RW might seem to glorify suicide and, to quote an article written by a psychiatrist for the JED Foundation, “The suicide is graphically depicted, the young woman who dies is memorialized in unhelpful ways, the suicide seemingly results directly from the misdeeds perpetrated against her by others and Hannah is portrayed as a long suffering victim who, by her death, is taking vengeance on those who have wronged her.”
I’ve read the book. It’s not exactly an uplifting story.
However, knowledge is power. The consensus is that younger teens should not watch the show alone, although that may be unpreventable. It’s most important to be prepared to talk about the story and suicide. For every “Hannah Story” there are other stories with different choices and happier endings.
One of the values of 13RW may be the dialog it creates and the opportunity to consider how we help one another through life. I’ve devoted a . Several parents have told me they found the 13RW Talking points particularly helpful and have used them to have conversations with their children. There are also resources for teachers and school counselors.
If nothing else, please read the brief overview and specific recommendations published by the JED Foundation.
The message most missed by 13RW is that help is available. If you have any specific questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. And do not hesitate to contact a hotline/lifeline.
PS… I will be teaching a at the Guilford United Methodist Church on Tuesday, April 24, 2018. All are welcome!