October Learning Opportunities…

Here are some learning opportunities coming up in October!

Thursday, October 13: Suicide Awareness and Prevention Workshop at Nokomis High School in Newport from 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. For more information or to register contact RSU 19 Adult Education.

Tuesday, October 18: Is There a Book in You? at Warsaw Elementary School in Pittsfield from 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. For more information or to register contact MSAD 53 Adult Education.

Thursday, October 27: Suicide Awareness and Prevention Workshop at Guilford United Methodist Church from 3:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. For more information or to register,
contact . 

Real Estate related:

Friday, October 7: I will be teaching the two “new” core courses (continuing education) at the Ramada Inn in Bangor. For more information or to register, contact the Arthur Gary School of Real Estate.

Saturday, October 15: I will start the Associate Broker Course at the Ramada Inn in Bangor. For more information or to register, contact the Arthur Gary School of Real Estate.

This Might Be a Record

We had a great Suicide Prevention Workshop Tuesday night… and after tabulating the evaluations I’m proud to brag that 100% of those attending agree they are more comfortable talking about suicide and feel better equipped to offer help to someone who might seem suicidal.

When asked, “What did you like best about the program?” One person replied, “The knowledge shared on a very difficult subject.” That’s especially good to hear because a goal of the workshop is to make the topic at least a little less difficult.

If you missed this free workshop, there are two more opportunities to attend:

October 27, 2016, from 3:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. school staff, volunteers, and high school students are especially invited to attend–one reason we scheduled it as an “after school” program.

November 15, 2016 from 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. we’ll touch one why the holidays can be a particularly difficult time of year for ome people.

Both programs will be held at the Guilford United Methodist Church. Pre-registration is very helpful, but not absolutely required. You can or by calling 343-1842. If you have any questions or concerns, or call/email!


Craig Colson and I Talk…

For those who missed it “live,” here is a link to the brief talk Craig Colson and I had on the WVII Monday Noon Newscast. (I haven’t been able to embed the broadcast here… you can also find this link on Mr. Boomsma’s Facebook Page.)

I’m grateful to Craig for reaching out with his invitation and the opportunity to share some thoughts. For more information about the workshops visit the … or just ! (Registration is not absolutely required–we have plenty of room, but it will help us plan handouts and seating.)


Pop in a Marshmallow!

One of the concerns we sometimes discuss in the Substitute Teacher’s Course is “How do you quiet an entire class?”

Yelling is not an option.

Age is certainly a factor–some of the more common techniques involve ringing a bell, flicking the lights on and off, using hand gestures. When I’m in a strange school or class, I try raising my hand first–it seems to be somewhat universal.

Today I read one to use with the littles that I just might have to try because it’s fun! The instruction to “pop in a marshmallow” tells everyone to pretend they are putting a big marshmallow in their mouth. (Don’t hand out real marshmallows!) This means lips are closed and cheeks are puffed out. It’s pretty hard to talk with a big marshmallow in your mouth! I’m thinking it might also work with kids in the back seat of the car.

For at least 29 more ideas, check out this post on Edutopia.

Walter Boomsma (“Mr. Boomsma”) writes on a wide array of topics including personal development, teaching and learning. Course information is also available here!