Show ‘N Tell Becomes Show ‘N Share…

While working at school recently, I dropped by a classroom to pick up a couple of students for an activity. The class was finishing up a “Show ‘N Share,” so I had an opportunity to learn a few things about a contemporary toy and a somewhat bedraggled teddy bear.

For history and trivia buffs, Show ‘N Tell began as a toy combination record player and filmstrip viewer manufactured by General Electric in the mid-1960s. It was pretty high-tech stuff then.

Somehow, the concept has morphed over the years into what might be more accurately described as “Show ‘N Share.” For the educationally minded,  the activity meets the English Language Arts standards in Kindergarten and primary grades.

A not-so-subtle difference is that kids are actively learning more about the item instead of passively watching and listening. One of the things I particularly enjoyed and admired was watching the teacher facilitate the discussion. He was truly interested in the items and asked questions that demonstrated his interest.

A recent Trainer’s Warehouse Blog post made an interesting comparison between gossiping and asking questions. One suggestion was that gossiping is about bonding and it’s easier to bond by offering information than it is to ask questions. When we have a good gossip about someone or something, all we usually do is agree with each other and reinforce what we already believe.

But good questions can be much more effective when we are trying to establish a human connection.  For the few minutes I was part of the Show ‘N Share, I noticed the teacher used different types of questions. Most people are familiar with the difference between “closed-ended” questions (can be answered yes or no) and “open-ended” questions that require more information.  The teacher was asking both, but also varying between reflective questions (that make people think) and probing questions that cause the answerer to go deeper and provide more information. He didn’t use a lot of leading questions (that actually suggest the desired answer).

I’ve provided a stock photo of a teddy bear with this article for those wanting to develop their questioning skills. If a child brought it to Show N Share, what sorts of questions would you ask? An obvious one (probing question) is, “Why is he wearing a band-aid?” I might start with “Does he have a name?” (closed-ended) in an attempt to “get to know” who we’re talking about.

Show N Share is really about communication and conversation. We don’t always have a prop in conversation, but we do have a subject.

Some of the kids get really excited waiting for their turn to “show.” But we are also learning this is not just about showing and telling. Steven Covey once observed, “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” I think he’s right. But if we understand Show ‘N Share, maybe we realize our reply might best be a good question.

A Great Investment: Four Minutes

Are the parent grandparent or friend of a teenager? I would be willing to beg you to spend just four minutes watching this video.

 It’s a good investment–about the same amount of time it takes to listen to your favorite song or watch commercials during a television program. The difference is, in the case, your investment could save a life.

Remember there are more resources available on this website: . The number given at the end of the video is for the National Suicide Hotline. If you would like a free magnet listing the Maine HotLine and National Crisis Text line, send me your snail mail address.

Also, check the… I will be teaching two free Suicide Awareness and Prevention Workshops in Guilford–one on April 24, 2018, and one on June 5, 2018. Let’s save our kids.

A Different Sort of Vigilance?

johnhain / Pixabay

I hesitate to bring up the recent school shooting in Florida, but a reality exists—this incident seems to have impacted many people, including, I confess me.

In our search for ways to protect our children, we not only have to guard against extremism and hysteria, we have to protect our children (and ourselves) from the emotional damage that often accompanies tragedies and trauma. It is perhaps, a different sort of vigilance, but is just as important.

We may be thousands of miles removed physically from this event but that does not mean we are not hurt and harmed. Children may especially have difficulty realizing and expressing those impacts. Watch for behavior changes. Take news breaks and social media breaks to avoid constant exposure to both your children and yourself.  Look for the helpers and the rainbows and remember to laugh.

I have been adding and expanding resources on my ” website— and for resources that help address tragedy, trauma, and grief. I have talked with too many students and teachers who are finding themselves struggling to cope with this latest incident. Please keep your eyes and ears open and do not hesitate to “reach out” to anyone who seems to be grappling, stressed or acting differently. I recently dealt with a child who had an unexplained panic attack. I can’t help but wonder about the causes…

If you find yourself having difficulty initiating a conversation, watch this one minute video, “.” If you need to help someone–or think you need help yourself, reach out and connect. It’s important.

More Talk About Opiods?

“A little less talk and a lot more action…” is something I often preach. But in the case of mental health issues, talk can be action. If you know someone who is hurting, start a conversation.

As this infographic shows, this is an epidemic. It’s likely we each know at least one person who is affected. A little more talk can make a huge difference.

Walter Boomsma (“Mr. Boomsma”) writes on a wide array of topics including personal development, teaching and learning. Course information is also available here!