Some Fall Opportunities

Upcoming real estate courses include the Sales Agent and Associate Broker Course in Augusta and Bangor.

We’re offering a FREE workshop/forum for folks who are curious or interested in substitute teaching in Newport and Pittsfield.

Our Substitute Teacher Training Course is available in Dover Foxcroft, Newport, and Pittsfield.

The Suicide Awareness and Prevention Workshop is scheduled in Newport and Pittsfield. (We hope to add a workshop in Corinna soon.)

If you have questions, let us know! Note that registration for specific courses and workshops is done with the course sponsor.

Winning by Losing

A small gaggle of middle school girls approached me somewhat shyly. They know whining isn’t allowed in my classroom but we weren’t at school, we were at the Guilford River Festival. I suspect they also would have claimed what they were doing was actually begging, not whining.

For those who don’t know, the Guilford River Festival is a truly awesome annual event that’s extremely family and kid-friendly. There’s lots of free stuff–my job was to hand out free balloons to kids–and fun stuff. The girls were offering a competition based on a game we sometimes play at school. “Are you smarter than a PCMS student?” They were having trouble getting contestants and begged me to visit their set up and play.

When I arrived, the girls and their game host immediately disappeared to “strategize,” triggering a certain amount of suspicion in my mind. Upon returning, they all had a noticeable “cat that swallowed the canary” look.

The game host explained the rules and process carefully and quickly. I think I heard him say that the game was “only slightly rigged.” I would be competing against the girls but I had the first chance to answer the questions. If I answered the question wrong, they could “take the point” by answering correctly, proving they were smarter.

The questions were of a historical nature and not too difficult but my suspicions were at an all-time high so I thought long and hard before answering. I could almost hear the clock ticking and the music playing. The first question required a date for an answer. When I answered, the game host declared “wrong!” and the girls went into a huddle. After some whispering, the shouted an answer in unison. “Billy Bob!”

“Correct!” Since the audience was small, the girls provided most of the applause.

The second question required a person’s name for an answer and I admitted I was tempted to answer “Billy Bob,” but went with what I was sure was correct. Again, my answer was declared wrong. Again after huddling the girls answered nonsensically and were declared correct.

I suppose some would have felt cheated but I found myself laughing and having fun. Maybe it wasn’t about the questions. Remember, the original question was “Are you smarter than a PCMS student?” It was becoming clear that I was not–they were outsmarting me.

The process continued with the girls winning all the points and me being skunked. It was at that point the game show host indicated I shouldn’t go away empty-handed and presented me with the pictured t-shirt. My response was genuine: “This is definitely worth losing for.”

I may be risking over-analysis but the experience left me not only laughing but also thinking. Winning and losing are words and people give meaning to words–it’s not the other way around. Sometimes we win when we lose. I’ll enjoy that shirt and the memory of losing to a gaggle of giggling girls who did, in fact, outsmart me. So thanks to the girls and Herrick Excavation for hosting and sponsoring the contest I won by losing.

Good, Better, Best

“Good is the enemy of best.”

A common idiom

While recently attending my grandfather’s grave, I thought about that idiom. I also remembered being in the same place and doing many of the same things some sixty-five years ago with my father. Little did we know it would be one of the last times we’d work together and Dad would be laying next to his father a short month later.

I’m not sure how helpful my seven-year-old self actually was but I felt important and I sensed the work was important. It began with a trip to the cemetery to pick up the metal flag holder. The old flags were removed, a wire brush removed the rust, and fresh black paint was applied. When the holder was reinstalled exactly in the center above the stone, American and British Flags were added. Of course, there was grass to trim and geraniums to plant. It seemed to end with a crisp salute from the foot of the grave with Dad in full dress uniform.

While I remember the steps, what I remember most is how important it was that things be done correctly. I accepted that but I’m not sure I really understood it at the time. I also knew my Dad would be “sergeant at arms” during Memorial Day ceremonies and that meant more work–rifles to clean and polish and lots of practice with his squad. Some years later squad members told me he expected perfection, from keeping in step and moving in perfect unison to hearing “one shot.” They were not complaining; they spoke with pride and a smile.

In retrospect, I appreciate the fact that I was made to feel important and I think I better understand why what we did was important. “Respect” is an important word. We demonstrate our respect by doing our best. I occasionally accept some teasing over the fact I’m not a fan of “good enough” when it comes to certain things. I’ve mellowed some but I still cringe inside if I hear more than one shot at Memorial Day Celebrations.

Distance means I can no longer really maintain my father’s and grandfather’s resting place–other than a rushed annual visit. This year was special. For years, there has been no British flag and things have looked a little lopsided. But this year I found a source for British flags!

I was further motivated by a photo request from the Netherlands where grandfather was born. It seems he will be the subject of an article by Nykle Dijkstra regarding a very few Friesians who served under another country’s flag during World War I. (He’s also included in a chapter of the book: “Far From The Front? Friesland and the Friesians in the First World War.” )

My Dad and I treated him a bit like a celebrity sixty-five years ago. Now others are as well. While by most standards he was not a war hero, perhaps he is finally getting what he deserved –one hundred years later.

With my brother’s help, we repeated many of those steps, including a gentle cleaning of the stone, weeding and trimming and some raking with our hands. We agreed we felt an odd desire to salute when we finished.

And I am left to consider the lessons I learned sixty five years ago in Pine Hill Cemetery, Chester Massachusetts. Good –or at least good enough–is, in fact, the enemy of best. Some things and some people deserve our respect and our best. While offering our respect and our best, we can feel important. And we can learn to respect ourselves.

Hearts, heads, hands

No thinking – that comes later. You must write your first draft with your heart. You rewrite with your head. The first key to writing is… to write, not to think!

Forrester, in the movie “Finding Forrester” while mentoring Jamal

A posted comment on something I wrote recently seemed to imply the commenter was a bit envious of what she referred to as my “gift for ideas and writing.” What is this gift and where does it come from?

I believe we are all “gifted” in the sense that as human beings we have abilities and potential that we under-estimate too often. That includes the ability to generate ideas and the ability to write.

The movie “Finding Forrester” is the story of a young prodigy (Jamal) who finds a colorful but reclusive mentor (Forrester). Their relationship is a bit turbulent with some interesting twists but it’s a great film, perhaps especially for writers. When writing, I often turn to the advice Forrester gives Jamal. I’ve always loved the idea that a writer should write the first draft with his heart without much thinking. “Punch the keys, for God’s sake!” he tells Jamal.

Jamal’s story makes the point that we get better by doing things. “The first key to writing is… to write, not to think!” Punching the keys is about enthusiasm and passion. Sometimes acting enthusiastically at first evokes that enthusiasm.

I remember well teaching a writing unit to some fifth graders a few years ago. We were doing what is called “free write” — when the assignment is to simply write. The topic doesn’t matter. The work is not graded–the purpose of the unit is only to make writing take place. One of my students was truly suffering writer’s block, convinced she couldn’t think of anything to write about.

“Just write,” I told her. She stared at me blankly as though I didn’t hear her explanation. “Put the pencil on the paper… just write random words as they come to mind… see where those words take you…” I offered. Some might say I was channeling Forrester but I also know this is a technique that works because, in part, you stop thinking about the fact you can’t think of anything. When I returned to check on her later, I found she’d started an excellent horror story and was quite excited. Once her hand got moving her brain and heart followed–or perhaps more accurately, took over. Let me make it clear, this is a story of her success–not mine.

How different is writing from any other possibly underdeveloped skill? Too often we get focused on what we can’t do and our head starts controlling our hearts and hands. Sometimes we just need to start doing until our head and heart follow. Sometimes we need to let our heart lead until our head and hands follow our passion. Perhaps the definition of “gifted” is merely a matter of those moments when the heart, hands, and head start working together.

Duty, Honor, Country

Memorial Day has always been one of my favorite holidays. Not because it’s a three-day weekend that typically marks the beginning of summer. But because it’s a holiday that encourages remembering and reflection.

Some of those memories are pleasant. Among my favorites are sharing (to the degree a six-year-old can) Memorial Day preparations with my Dad. There was so much to do and it started well before the day itself. Grandfather’s grave site always needed tending… his flag holder needed painting and there were geraniums to plant. When all was ready, Dad would stand at the foot of the grave in his Navy Uniform and gave his very best salute. It seemed to me a long salute, not the sharp, snappy kind. I still wonder what Dad was thinking about his father and this soldier we were honoring.

Over sixty-five years later I find myself reading of another visit to a cemetery by another veteran. This veteran was visiting a military cemetery in Normandy–a place he’d been 75 years ago. Instead of a salute, he suggested visitors “place your hand on the marble cross and realize there is a young boy six feet beneath you who gave his life for you. Then raise your head and see the other 9,400 crosses.”

In a strange irony, shortly after reading that I was reminded of General Douglas MacArthur’s farewell speech to West Point Cadets.

You are the leaven which binds together the entire fabric of our national system of defense. From your ranks come the great captains who hold the nation’s destiny in their hands the moment the war tocsin sounds. The Long Gray Line has never failed us. Were you to do so, a million ghosts in olive drab, in brown khaki, in blue and gray, would rise from their white crosses thundering those magic words – Duty – Honor – Country.

General Douglas MacArthur

It’s a sobering thought. I’d like to think the General wouldn’t mind if I suggest every one of us has a somewhat similar responsibility.

In war or peace, we each hold our nation’s destiny in our hands–indeed we hold the world’s destiny in our hands. And if we fail, a million ghosts… will rise from their white crosses to remind us “Duty — Honor — Country.”

Read the entire text of MacArthur’s Farewell Speech.

Listen to MacArthur’s Farewell Speech on YouTube

Walter Boomsma (“Mr. Boomsma”) writes on a wide array of topics including personal development, teaching and learning. Course information is also available here!