Category Archives: School Programs

Free Substitute Teacher Workshop

Sponsored by MSAD 53 Adult Ed and Abbot Village Press, this FREE workshop will give you a chance to learn what it’s like to be a substitute teacher! Bring your questions, enjoy some light refreshments and an opportunity to discover what working at a school is all about. Call adult ed at 487-5107 to register…

Checklists Work… even on a luggage tag!

Catching up on my email reading this morning… and found this great idea resource shared by NAMI. The site is called “Understood” and it includes a number of resources for “attention and learning issues.” In the parent’s toolkit section, there are printable backpack checklists for different age kids that can be made into a luggage tag. What a great idea! There are also some sample “contracts” parents can make with their children regarding homework and cell phone use.

I did not fully research or “vet” the site but it does look like everything on the site is available for free and there seems to be a good depth of resources and information. I may not use the sample luggage tag but I really like the idea and may have to make some tags for my own cases. Whenever I leave to teach a course I always find myself wondering “What am I forgetting…?”


Advanced Gatekeeper Training for School Administrators

NAMI has scheduled a training before school begins to allow administrators to attend.  Join them for this vital training on suicide prevention. The Advanced Gatekeeper for School Personnel was developed to support the deepening development of suicide prevention and intervention skills for people working in Maine’s school system.  The law mandating each school district to have a minimum number of Gatekeeper-trained staff requires the training be renewed after 5 years.  The Advanced Gatekeeper Training provides additional information about addressing self-injury, assessing suicide risk, safety planning, managing social media and other topics of interest to school personnel. This session is reserved for school administrators only.  There is NO COST for this training session scheduled on August 16, 2018.  Click here to register.

WB Note: Class is scheduled to be taught by Greg Marley… he’s a great instructor, I’ve taken several of his classes!

Mr. Boomsma’s Brag Book

Can’t resist posting this… The conference was actually a full day. In addition to an incredible keynote presentation about the value of storytelling in suicide prevention, I attended several breakout sessions. One was about the new season of 13 Reasons Why being released by NetFlix. Frankly, not much has changed about this, but it something parents of young teens should be aware of… another was about media reporting regarding suicide deaths, etc. I came away with some great resources!

I’m just finishing up the keynote presenter’s book “The Gospel According to Josh.” It’s an amazing story.  His blog doesn’t really do his story or his presentations justice, but it’s worth a visit:

This five minute YouTube Video gives a sense of his story. But dig a little deeper and discover his “Changing Minds: A Mental Health Based Curriculum and The I’Mpossible Project.”


Thank a Teacher!

It could be just as simple as a note sent to school… that doesn’t say the dog ate Sally’s homework. It says, “Thanks for being Sally’s teacher.”

Teachers provide so much to our students—inspiration, motivation and, ultimately, their futures. They change the lives of millions of children every day, and their work and impact extends far beyond the boundaries of the classroom.

If you’d like a certificate or ready made card: