Category Archives: Learning


It’s so much more than a game…

We need to listen to what Molly has to say. She packs a lot of truth into seven minutes–ironically, she was seven years old when she recorded this last year. She might be the youngest TED speaker ever. She’s definitely one of the best!

Don’t miss her quick demonstration on brain size. I was more correct than I knew when I titled “Small People — Big Brains.”

It’s Not a Problem…

When I assigned myself the task of writing a tribute to Arthur Gary, I underestimated the difficulty. One immediate problem is coming up with a descriptive label. As I sorted through some choices (icon, educator, born teacher, colleague), the best I came up with (which feels woefully inadequate but accurate) is “friend.”

For those who may not know, I had the distinct honor and privilege of working with Arthur for some years (2004-2017) as an instructor with the then Arthur Gary School of Real Estate. I choose the word “with” deliberately. He always displayed an uncanny balance between self-confidence and humility. He never looked down on people–or up at them. He always looked them straight in the eye.

A second challenge was identifying some meaningful memories to share–there are so many. A personal favorite happened because he left me “alone” to teach with “academic freedom.” He would suggest there were some things I might do that he’d prefer I not tell him. As a result of that independence and mutual respect, not all students in the Bangor area had an opportunity to meet and know him until later in their career. So it is not a surprise that one day in a prelicensing class, a female student raised her hand, indicating she had a question.

“Is there really a person named Arthur Gary?” she asked. I pondered briefly the idea that he might have a certain mythical quality about him. He was a “giant” in the real estate industry. When I assured her he did exist, she continued, “Then I have a follow-up question. Is he hot?”

The rest of the class enjoyed a laugh both at her question and my obvious difficulty deciding how to answer.

Of course, I couldn’t resist telling him the story, suggesting that perhaps he should consider making a cameo appearance at some of my pre-licensing classes. I should have anticipated that wouldn’t suffice. After listening to my suggestion, He said, “I want to know how you answered the second question.”

Arthur and I had a lot of fun–especially with the fact that he was given to precision. I can be a perfectionist, but I am given to see more gray. I’d describe an “agent,” and he’d interrupt. “Did they have a client? Do you mean “licensee?” He kept me on my toes, and he always made me think. He wanted to “get it right,” and he expected others to have the same commitment.

I learned much from him, as did many others. But I most appreciated the sometimes subtle ways he made people think. It’s been said that “imitation is the finest form of flattery,” and to this day, I find myself quoting him. The title of this tribute is the beginning of one of his bits of wisdom.

In recent years, we had some frank discussions about his health. I sort of expected him to live forever. If I had said that to him, I think he’d have replied, “It’s not a problem until it’s a problem.” And now it is a problem for me. I’ve lost a friend who I cared for very much. I know I am not alone in my sadness. But I feel alone because the phone won’t ring again with his cheerful “Mr. B!” greeting. And I won’t be calling him with the greeting, “Mr. G!” so we can ruminate on a fine point of law and rule or complain about the sad state of education.

Another favorite bit of Arthur’s wisdom I use on those rare occasions when class ends early (never more than ten minutes). “Education is the only consumer product that people are happy with when they don’t get what they paid for…” Students would immediately start packing and we’d add, “You paid to be here until… my guess is you won’t complain if you get dismissed ten minutes early…”

Arthur, you left us too early.

Weirdly Wonderful

I have no ambitions to become a restaurant critic. But I do feel the need to share something weirdly wonderful about the last two meals I’ve had at Geaghan’s Pub in Bangor. In the interest of full disclosure, the “wonderful” includes excellent food, beer, and fantastic service. The weirdness is also wonderful, but it’s also rare, unfortunately. It appears every time I eat there, something wonderful happens. A few months ago, I met a new young lady (nine years old) at the pub who showed me how to create hope and happiness by drawing a picture for the guy (me) sitting at a table near her. She doesn’t know it, but she  inspired the title of a book I’ve been working on. I learned how to . Last night, things were busy as usual. When my waitress stopped to collect my drink order, she leaned in and said, “See that nice you couple getting ready to leave? They gave me a ten-dollar bill to put towards your dinner.” I should also add that I do not think I looked particularly destitute or needy. I was stunned. The waitress’s smile looked even bigger than usual. Remembering my previous experience. I replied, “Why is it that every time I come here, something nice happens to me?” The management of Geaghan’s can be proud of Jolene’s reply. “You’re in an Irish Pub. Nice people come here.” To her credit, she seemed not the least bit surprised by this act of kindness–there was nothing weird about it. The couple stopped at my table briefly as they left–not to explain, but to wish me a good meal and a nice evening. I thanked them profusely for their generosity. During my meal, I continued to think about how strange these experiences were. I found myself wondering what would happen the next time I ate there—and already planning my next visit. A hand-drawn picture and a ten-dollar bill created countless winners far beyond the givers and receiver. The “weirdness” might not be in the events themselves. What might be strange is the fact I was surprised by them. Jolene later also encouraged me to order dessert, reminding me that she still had that ten-dollar bill in her hip pocket to put towards my check. Unfortunately, I had to pass—the shepherd’s pie had done the job. My stomach was full. But so was my heart and head. I laid my credit card on the table for the check. Jolene started to explain how she was going to process the check as part cash and part credit. As she reached into her hip pocket, I said, “Wait! You might as well leave it there.” She looked a little confused, so I added, “That’s going to be your tip.” Some people I’ve told the story say, “You paid it forward.” I confess I do not fully “get” that concept. Maybe that is because I find words interesting. If you pay for the coffee of the person behind you in the drive-through, wouldn’t you be paying it backward? What I do “get” is what the nine-year-old did. Even if you don’t have any crayons, you can put color into another person’s life and your own. And if you do have some crayons (or ten dollars to spare), sharing them with someone just because you want to is not so strange or weird. It can be—should be—a way of life. We can make it so.

I needed this. I’ll bet you do too.

Just a little backstory. I was recently invited to join a leadership webinar featuring Shawn Achor. The name clicked. I first “met” Shawn nine years ago when I watched a TED Talk he gave. I just watched it again.

What a great twelve minutes it was. I smiled. I laughed out loud. I’ll bet you’d like to do that too. There’s a lot to think about here. You may decide to watch it more than once. It could change your day. It could change your life.

Seven Starting Strategies for Success

Written for new real estate sales agents but not limited to them!

“Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.”

Albert Einstein

Creating value creates success in the business of real estate. Selling houses doesn’t. Creating value for clients requires problem-solving, leadership, facilitation, and negotiation skills. And even though skills may not be enough. Success requires strategy.

  1. Accept the idea that you’re not prepared. Most pre-licensing education is designed to establish a good foundation but won’t help you figure out what to do and when to do it. The system is designed for new licensees to “learn as they go” with guidance from the company holding their license. Some agencies have formal programs; some do not. The real estate business does not lend itself to a cookbook approach–one of the things that makes it fun. Be an observer. Ask questions. Read voraciously. Watch Ted Talks and YouTube Videos that aren’t necessarily about real estate. Create your own professional development plan.  
  2. Have a long-term outlook. One big mistake new licensees make is becoming obsessed with closing a transaction. The closing should never be more important than the client. If you are dependent on the income at the outset, remember this: Someone wisely said, “Poverty often drives bad decisions.” Think hard about how you’re going to measure success. Write it down. Decide how you will measure that success in both the short term and long term. Commission checks are only one criterion, admittedly crucial for most people. But I can tell you that several of the most satisfying and rewarding experiences I had while practicing were the ones where I didn’t earn a dime.
  3. Have a sales mindset but know what you’re selling. Make sure you are clear on what you’re selling. You are not in the business of selling real estate. You are in the business of selling yourself, your expertise as a problem-solver, and your ability to help clients think through their decisions. At one time, a licensee’s value was access to the “Multiple Listing Book.” The only way to find out what was for sale was to contact a licensee. Thanks to technology, that’s no longer true—clients may know more about the property for sale than the licensee. Real estate is no longer an information business at the licensee level. (If it ever really was.) Real estate is a relationship business. I haven’t kept concrete data, but many successful licensees have a background in “helping” professions ranging from bartenders to hairdressers to teachers. 
  4. Develop a healthy attitude of “professional pride” that borders on arrogance. It’s more than a truism. “Desperation isn’t pretty.” I saw a licensee’s ad that offered, “Call me anytime–day or night…” and listed half a dozen phone numbers and contact routes. Think about what that licensee is offering as value. Think about what you are offering as your value. Make sure your marketing and advertising reflect what you offer and can deliver.
  5. Don’t think being busy is an accomplishment or a measure of success. If you find yourself working non-stop, long hours, consider the possibility that you haven’t appropriately prioritized. When I teach classes attended by students who are already licensed, it is not uncommon to see two extremes. On the one hand, some students are relaxed and attentive. When I announce a break, they continue to reflect on the material, maybe write a few more notes. On the other hand, some students are sneaking worried looks at their phones. They are half out of their chairs when I start announcing a break and usually late returning. I sometimes wonder how they would feel if I acted that way while teaching. Acting busy and rushed sends a message to your clients that they are not important and you don’t have time for them.
  6. Create accountability to yourself and your loved ones as well as your clients. Don’t lose sight of the big picture. These seven strategies all overlap and intermesh. Consider having your own policy manual as a way to remember and protect your values—and don’t hesitate to communicate those policies to others in words. I taught for decades before I wrote my philosophy of teaching. I wish I hadn’t waited. I know it changed over those decades, but I also see the common threads that ran through my teaching—the things that haven’t changed. You want to make sure your actions match your words. 
  7. Know and act like you’re a business person, an entrepreneur. The real estate business is a bit unique–in a true sense, you, the licensee, are a business within a business (the company/agency). In an ideal model, it’s about mutual success–your success contributes to the agency’s success and vice versa. But don’t give up your responsibility for creating your own value and success. Do give up blame-finding. If you aren’t getting enough leads, why not? If you aren’t managing your cash flow, why not? How are you going to solve those problems? Remember, that’s the business you are in!

I haven’t written much about goals and objectives in this article. Those are tactics—things that enable you to achieve your strategy. They are essential, but they won’t make you successful without some strategies.