Tag Archives: Walter Boomsma Referral

You can be a star!

Are you a happy alumni of a real estate course?

The Real Estate Learning Group is soliciting feedback about their courses and instructors–ideally from folks who would be willing to participate in a short video testimonial.

Thanks to technology and editing, we can even promise to make you look good and you’ll get final approval of the results.

If you’ve taken a course and loved it (and me!), let’s talk about it! We have several options ranging from recorded video and audio to written testimonials with a photo.

I know you’re busy with real estate transactions, so we’ll even mention your agency if that’s okay. Somebody once said, “There’s no such thing as bad publicity!”

If you can spare a few minutes and are interested, just let me know! We’ll make it easy and fun! Questions are welcomed!

“I have to give a huge shout out to our teacher Walter. He thoroughly knows his material and the way he explains things makes is much clearer than reading from a book alone. He went above and beyond to assist in areas I was struggling with and was extremely prompt on answering emails. He also was very encouraging. I am not sure I have had a more sincere, encouraging well informing teacher in my life.”