Tag Archives: school

More of Life’s Lessons

Well, Anina is at it again. In her most recent email, she introduced her “Uncle Walter” and my recent post about her. She thinks it’s pretty cool that she’s been quoted but quickly adds, “I’m just a bit flattered. Mom said there is a Bible verse that says, ‘The meek shall inherit the earth.’ So I’m trying to be meek.”

We ought to consider following her example and work on trying to be meek. Our society would benefit immensely from a better balance between meekness and self-confidence. I think Anina is already learning that those two qualities are not mutually exclusive. That’s pretty good for someone who just turned four months old.

How are you doing with it?

I have some more good news about Anina. Her Mom is posting her emails as episodes on Kindle Vella. This is a fairly new platform that I won’t pretend to be intimately familiar with. (Does that qualify as being meek?) You can read Anina’s first four episodes (emails) for free, then you buy very affordable tokens to “unlock” the others. I suspect Anina might explain, “A girl’s gotta eat, you know.”

Episode One is “1st Days on Planet Earth,” And starts when she’s ten days old. She explains that she decided to keep a journal so she’d remember what it was like being an infant. When she arrives home (day 3), she realizes she’s been there before because she remembers hearing things but is seeing things for the first time. That results in another bit of Anina Wisdom.

The world is a slightly different place when you see it from the outside.

Anina Mary

We do learn a lot from her, including the derivation and correct pronunciation of her name. I also learned that we share several important opinions of the world.

So… remember that you can subscribe to receive Anina’s emails and catch up on the ones you’ve missed on Kindle Vella. Tell her Uncle Walter sent you. Anina recently learned that an educator is someone who “talks to us about things we don’t know anything about.” I wonder how long it will be before she realizes she is an educator.

Mr. Boomsma Learns to Count

We went to a “sunset picnic” on an Amish Family Farm during our recent vacation to Central Pennsylvania. There was much to see and learn. The food was excellent, and the lemonade was icy cold.

The lemonade was served by ten-year-old Hanna Rose, an engaging young lady notable for her pleasant smile and efficient pouring. Of course, I could not resist engaging her in conversation.

(To understand our conversation, it becomes necessary to disclose that most Amish children attend private Amish schools only through eighth grade. The value of education is high but takes a very different form than the one we English have adopted.)

So I asked Hanna Rose what grade she was in. She finished filling my glass, smiled at me, and said, “I’m going into sixth grade this fall.”

To keep the conversation going, I said, “So you have two more years of school left!?”

(This is not Hanna Rose–photos of the Amish are not encouraged.)

Her smile faded just a little, and she looked a bit troubled. She sat the lemonade pitcher down, her smile brightened, and she held up one hand to count on her fingers. “Six, seven, eight,” she said. “That’s three years.” Her tone was patient and pleasant–I’m sure she considered how to correct me without making me feel bad.

Realizing my math error, I too smiled and replied, “You’re right!” Her smile broadened some.

“I think I should come to your school to learn how to do math better!”

Her smile broke into a grin as she picked up her pitcher to continue serving. I won’t claim that we developed a deep friendship, but we did manage to have several more conversations throughout the evening.

When we left, I wished her well in sixth grade. She replied that she was going to work really hard at learning. I somewhat regret not thanking her for reminding me of some important things.

Simple is good. While that’s something I love about the Amish in general, Hanna Rose shared a concrete example, and she did so graciously. She didn’t say, “Why are you making this so complicated–you’re getting it all wrong!” I later laughed at myself for my foolishness. And then I laughed at “us” who are not Amish because we often love making things harder in teaching. And we love big words.

Thankfully, I didn’t say, “Oh, Hanna Rose. I like how you have used your fingers for math manipulatives.”

The job of teaching should be to make things simple.

Hanna Rose also reminded me of a sign I’d seen a few years ago contrasting Amish Schools with Public Schools. One of the points was that Amish Schools value cooperation and humility above competition and pride. That’s not to say the Amish reject competition and pride–it’s to say that they understand balance. Hanna Rose’s hesitancy to “correct” my error suggests she thought hard about how to do so in a spirit of humility and without alienating me or making me feel bad.

I also later teased her, “I’m not leaving. I’m going to stay here and live with you forever and ever.” Her wide grin and lack of a reply told me she’s heard it before and realized it’s a compliment, not a threat.

And maybe not such a bad idea. I suspect I could learn a lot more from Hanna Rose and her family. Maybe we all could.

Watching “simple” go by at Hanna Rose’s Farm

Substitute Teacher Workshops Scheduled

After a year of uncertainty, three adult education programs have scheduled live and in-person workshops this fall.

And that’s not a surprise! This fun program is designed to prepare people interested in serving as a substitute teacher or ed-tech.  There will be plenty of “hands-on learning” including important classroom management techniques and teaching strategies. We’ll also cover some legal aspects and help you develop your own “sub pack” of resources and an action plan that will get you started on the right foot! If you’ve been subbing, this is a great opportunity for a “refresher” and some new ideas. One student comments, “…very engaging with a lot of real-life scenarios. I came away with new information even after subbing for a year.”

Spruce Mountain Adult Education (Livermore Falls) is offering the program as a one-day workshop on September 15, 2021, from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm.

RSU 19 Adult Education (Newport) is offering the program as two evening classes on September 20, 2021, and September 22, 2021, from 6:00 pm until 9:00 pm. (Students must attend both evenings.)

MSAD 53 Adult Education (Pittsfield) is offering the program as two evening classes on September 28, 2021, and September 30, 2021, from 6:00 pm until 9:00 pm. (Students must attend both evenings.)

Note that information and registration may not yet be available on the adult ed websites–summer is not quite over yet! Mark your calendars and check back! You may also contact me with questions…

Email Walter

Adult Education Contact Information

RSU 19 Adult Education
most courses are offered at Nokomis High School
Newport, ME 04953 • 207-368-3290 • snowinski@rsu19.net
Facebook: @rsu19adulteducation

Spruce Mountain Adult Education (RSU 73)
most courses are offered at the Adult Ed Center
Livermore Falls ME 04254 • 207 897-6406 rraymondt@rsu73.com
Facebook: @rsu73sprucemtnadulted

MSAD 53 Adult Education
most courses are offered at Warsaw Middle School
Pittsfield ME 04967 • 207 487-5145canthony@msad53.org
Facebook: @MSAD53


A short film by Liv McNeil

Watch. Think. Since this will appear on Mr. Boomsma’s Facebook Page I’ll request that you watch and think. It takes three minutes to watch. You’ll want to think about it longer than that before commenting. You might also want to read Liv’s explanation on YouTube.

Liv also posted an important resource in her comments: “This is a COVID-19 youth mental health resource hub if you’ve been negatively affected by isolation, https://jack.org/covid.”

After watching, thinking, and commenting, share it. If you have children, consider watching it together and asking them what they are thinking and feeling.

Congratulations, Liv… on the completion of this important, helpful, and extremely well-done project.