Small Brains Do Big Job!

We have a winner! Actually we could LOTS of winners. In conjunction with the Newspapers in Education initiative and with the cooperation of Jane Daniels, art teacher at PCES, I commissioned the fifth graders to develop an advertisment for my forthcoming book, Small People – Big Brains: Stories about Simplicity, Exploration, and Wonder. The kids did an incredible job and made selecting the first place winner difficult for the judges! After much deliberation, one ad was selected for printing in the March 27th Newspapers in Education Supplement of the Piscataquis Observer.

The entire project is proving to be great fun! I may have to write another book before next year so we can do it again! We’ll be announcing the winner next Friday at school which means the kids will finally stop hounding me when I’m there!

As for the book itself, it’s in the final editing and illustrating stages. Then comes proofing and cover design. I confess I’m a little behind schedule, but still hoping for an April release date!

Real Estate Course Starts Wednesday…

For SaleFor those interested in a career in real estate… ! I’m starting a class in Bangor for those who would like to meet the license qualifications. At last count we had sixteen students signed up, but we can certainly squeeze in a few more! The class starts at 6 PM at the Ramada Inn on Odlin Road in Bangor.

Real estate licensing classes are offered through the Arthur Gary School of Real Estate. For complete course details and to register visit the school’s website at or call the school at 856-1712.

Walter keeps the class interesting with anecdotal stories that put law into real terms. Good sense of humor!

Is Starting a Blog or Website in Your Future?

Note that the following course is open for registration and coming up soon!

Your WordPress Website/Blog–fast and free! 

WordPress is one of the most popular free and open source blogging and publishing platforms available today. In this “user friendly” and hands-on course you’ll learn the basics of building a blog or website for your business or pleasure—in fact, you’ll have your site up and running by the end of the class. You should have some fundamental computer skills and a basic understanding of the Internet. The class is not designed for advanced users! NOTE: Students will need to have access to their email account during this class either on a personal device such as a tablet or smart phone OR through a web mail account–bring your password with you! (Class meets in the computer lab; students will have access to a computer.) Plan to attend Tuesday, February 26 and March 5 in Dover Foxcroft  from 6 PM until 8:30 PM.

Register by contacting Piscataquis Valley Adult Education Cooperative at 564-6525.

One Human Interaction at a Time…

I already know the problem you’ll have after watching this video. You’ll think you can’t do it. But if you listen all the way to the end, you’ll hear the key and discover that you actually can. Let me explain.

Dave Eggers is an incredibly passionate, creative, and energetic guy. I don’t want to spoil this video, but you should know his day job involves writing. “Once upon a school” is spoken, but it’s an incredible story with some both inspiring and funny examples of what happens when you create a mixture that includes passion, kids and learning.

For a few years now, I’ve considered myself a bit of advocate for kids, teachers, and schools. This guy could become my hero because he’s done something that’s all too rare. He’s created a wildly successful (and fairly large) program without losing sight of the most important truth. Ultimately, the most effective advocacy is about one human interaction at a time. 

So watch this, but don’t leave it thinking you can’t do it or that you are inadequate. Figure out some way — not necessarily as big and bold as Egger’s — to get together with a kid and have one human interaction.

There’s an incredibly important statistic early on in the video–studies have shown that just 30-40 hours per year of individual attention and instruction can advance a student one grade level. You don’t have to be real good at math. Three hours per month does it. Spend it listening to and encouraging a kid–your own or somebody else’s.

Walter Boomsma (“Mr. Boomsma”) writes on a wide array of topics including personal development, teaching and learning. Course information is also available here!