Peter has been located…

With thanks to the many who helped in some way, his truck was located, and Peter was found a short distance away in the woods. It appears he had fallen and did not survive the night. 

Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, and colleagues at this very difficult time. 

Peter will be known to many who are involved in real estate… I have had the privilege of having him attend courses… According to his daughter, he’s thought to be somewhere between Sherman and Lincoln. If you’re showing property in that area, be observant, please! This has been posted on the GBAR Facebook Page… check there or Erica’s page for updates. Thanks!

He’s believed to be driving a newer model Dodge Ram 1500 four door maroon with black rails and a back rack.

Sticks and stones

Steve and Savannah are back! After posting and discussing their video performance of “Hope,” we discovered that we share a mutual interest in resilience as a way to reduce bullying. Their song “Sticks and Stones” makes the point that words can hurt more than sticks and stones. Getting people to understand that is a form of resilience!

Visit Steve’s Website

Substitute Teacher Workshop, RSU 73

This fun one-day program is designed  to prepare people interested in serving as a substitute teacher or ed tech.  There will be plenty of “hands on learning” that will include important classroom management techniques and teaching strategies. We’ll also cover some legal aspects and help you develop your own “sub pack” of resources and an action plan that will get you started on the right foot! If you’ve been subbing, this is a great opportunity for a “refresher” and some new ideas. Attendees will earn a certificate recognized by many local districts. One student comments, “…very engaging with a lot of real life scenarios. I came away with new information even after subbing for a year.” The program is taught by Walter Boomsma, an experienced substitute teacher and author of the book, Small People—Big Brains, Stories about Simplicity, Exploration, and Wonder.

Substitute Teacher Forum

What’s it like to be a substitute teacher?

Don’t decide until you get the facts!

We’ve got a free online forum for you that will answer your questions—even the ones you don’t know you have!

This was posted previously but note the changed url for information or to register:

Making the most of remote learning…

You don’t have to be deeply involved in online learning (which comes in many forms and under many different labels) to have some awareness of Khan Academy and Sal Khan. Heather Kelly, a reporter for the Washington Post, recently interviewed Khan with some Q&A regarding online learning. The results are a “must-read” for anyone involved in education and online learning.: teachers, homeschoolers, educators, parents, and school administrators.

The interview is focused on public school and younger kids, so let me say that while many educators like to wax eloquent about the difference between teaching kids (the big word is pedagogy) and teaching adults (the big word is andragogy), I prefer to consider the similarities–and take advantage of them. If you’ve attended one of my adult real estate classes, you know that I use reward stickers. I do not use reward stickers with kids. I digress only to make the point that while focused on kids, many of Kahn’s insights apply to all ages.

He definitely had me at “The last thing we want to do is burn kids out and burn out their families and burn out their teachers.” If you read “,” you know that I refuse to accept online learning as a panacea. One of the things I admire about Khan the person and the University is that they are not successful because they pioneered online education. Khan is successful because he has a unique understanding of teaching and learning. Click the button, check out the interview, and see what you can learn!

Walter Boomsma (“Mr. Boomsma”) writes on a wide array of topics including personal development, teaching and learning. Course information is also available here!