Category Archives: Learning

Making the most of remote learning…

You don’t have to be deeply involved in online learning (which comes in many forms and under many different labels) to have some awareness of Khan Academy and Sal Khan. Heather Kelly, a reporter for the Washington Post, recently interviewed Khan with some Q&A regarding online learning. The results are a “must-read” for anyone involved in education and online learning.: teachers, homeschoolers, educators, parents, and school administrators.

The interview is focused on public school and younger kids, so let me say that while many educators like to wax eloquent about the difference between teaching kids (the big word is pedagogy) and teaching adults (the big word is andragogy), I prefer to consider the similarities–and take advantage of them. If you’ve attended one of my adult real estate classes, you know that I use reward stickers. I do not use reward stickers with kids. I digress only to make the point that while focused on kids, many of Kahn’s insights apply to all ages.

He definitely had me at “The last thing we want to do is burn kids out and burn out their families and burn out their teachers.” If you read “,” you know that I refuse to accept online learning as a panacea. One of the things I admire about Khan the person and the University is that they are not successful because they pioneered online education. Khan is successful because he has a unique understanding of teaching and learning. Click the button, check out the interview, and see what you can learn!

Hammers and Nails

“I don’t want to be a COVID cop,” wrote a substitute teacher. She envisioned the job of a sub this fall as focused on enforcing facemask wearing and social distancing, taking temperatures, and a host of other activities which she saw as unrelated to teaching and perhaps a bit degrading.

In my reply, I observed that we’ve always had several challenges, many of which we (subs) share with regular teachers. One of them is the myriad and range of what we are required to teach. Add the reality that we do not have a lot of choice in the what and sometimes in the how and it is easy to conclude this is not an easy job.

My teaching philosophy is that I teach students, not topics or curriculum. The curriculum is a tool–not some holy grail worthy of unquestionable worship. After many years of teaching, I’ve also figured out that sometimes teaching (or learning) is unintentional–both in a good and not so good way. I’ve had students occasionally tell me, “I’ll never forget what you taught me,” and when they describe it, I honestly don’t remember teaching it.

One of my favorite “cage rattlers” years ago asked me if it wasn’t a bit arrogant to assume I had the right to decide what students will learn under my direction.

There’s also the challenge of enforcing school policy–particularly in an environment where students do not see the policy as important. “Mrs. Regular Teacher lets us…” puts the sub in the position of deciding whether or not we will reinforce the lesson that the rules don’t matter.

Beyond the obsession and hysteria, I’m not–at the moment–seeing COVID-19 as being much different. Given the uncertainties, I suspect there will be some unrealistic expectations of teachers and subs–but that’s also not anything new. I also suspect the students are going to need a lot of support in learning new policies and practices.

I wouldn’t be thrilled with being a “COVID cop” if it meant just standing in the hall and making sure everyone was wearing a mask. Although it would be an excellent opportunity to interact with students. One of my best days subbing was the day we had a bit of a school crisis. I was told to roam the halls and be available to teachers who needed a break or students who seemed upset. I did a lot of teaching that day without a curriculum or plan.

Yet another challenge I’m finding is that many see online teaching as a panacea. Management (admin) is attracted to it because they see it as an opportunity to reduce costs and risks. The old “nothing is difficult for the person who doesn’t have to do it” thing rears its head again. Even most of the public adult ed programs I work with are on the verge of insisting I teach online.

I recently had an adult class of about 12 running online using Zoom. One student was a public school teacher. We ran into some problems with everyone trying to talk at the same time, then no one wanting to speak for fear of stepping on somebody else. I joked that if 12 adults were finding it difficult, could he well-imagine how difficult it was going to be with 25 seven-year-olds?

Some of the private training companies are using 2-3 people for online training sessions. The roles vary, but one “teaches,” a second manages material and production, bringing things in as the instructor needs them. A third manages student participation using the chat feature and feeds comments and questions to the instructor. That allows for reasonably large groups, but those same challenges exist with smaller groups. Online teaching is a production. Creating engagement and interaction requires planning and effort.

My colleague may not look forward to being a COVID cop. I would hate to see us oversimplify online teaching and learning. Like a curriculum, it’s a tool. We can use it, and we can abuse it.

Lowering the risk from COVID is an admirable goal, but we need to guard against one-dimensional thinking. Or, as Maslow said, “When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail.”

Am I Okay?

You don’t have to know me too well to know that one of my favorite questions is “Are you okay?” During this pandemic, it’s become a more important question and I’ve found myself asking people the question in various forms.

Unfortunately, I forgot to ask myself that question until recently when, I realized that, for various reasons, I was not okay. In short form, I was allowing “things” outside myself exact a mental and emotional toll that was less than healthy.

I kicked some self-care strategies into gear and am pleased to report I’m better. I’m not inclined to declare myself “okay” yet, not fully. But I’m a lot more okay than I was a month ago.

In a strange irony, the writers’ group I belong to posed some interesting survey questions recently. “What did lockdown teach you about yourself, your creativity, and your author business? For those that are now moving through the unlocking phase, what will you do differently creatively, personally and business-wise?” Since it’s a writer’s group, they were open-ended questions, not survey style.

While the pandemic is far from over, let me share with you some of the lessons I’m learning.

I’ve already at least hinted at the importance of “self-care” and asking “Am I okay?” It’s important to figure out what “centers” us–what keeps us grounded and focused. It’s about calming our emotions and slowing our minds. For me, writing is very effective and I realized that I hadn’t been. So I started writing–following my own advice regarding writer’s block. Just write. Don’t think. In the past thirty days, I’ve produced an amazing journal that, hopefully, no one will ever read. I’ll continue writing for myself but it has prepared me to start writing for others. If you haven’t noticed, this is my first blog post in some months.

Lesson 1: Ask yourself if you are okay. Spend some energy getting centered using whatever techniques work for you.

While it conflicts with the traditional writer image, I also have come to realize that human contact is important to me. While there are many times the idea of locking myself away to write, write, write, I know I wouldn’t last very long. I consider myself an introvert–that surprises many people–but I also like and need human contact. We all do. Solitary confinement is a punishment. Terms like “lockdown” and “quarantine” are troubling. If I could change the vocabulary, I wish we’d talk about physical distancing instead of social distancing.

Lesson 2: Make a conscious effort to reach across physical separation to stay close and connected to others.

When restrictions were implemented, I was teaching three real estate courses with a total enrollment of about 75 students. I’ve always said that I teach students, not courses but the reality of that became undeniable. Since we couldn’t assemble for classes, it took time and creativity to stay on track. Thus, I became acutely aware of the importance of technology as we move forward–not just through COVID-19 but through life as we know it.

There was a strange dichotomy in this–while I was physically distant from those students, I became more “intimate” with many of them as they shared their challenges… a single dad who suddenly found himself with homeschooling his three kids, a mom who works in health care and is afraid for her child who has asthma, students who found it difficult to concentrate. The list at times seemed endless.

I do not believe, as many do, that technology is a solution to most problems, but it becomes an important tool. I’m a bit amazed at how much technology I’ve adopted in the past several months. We didn’t have classes but we did have email, texting, phone calls, video conferencing, social media… I adopted the slogan that we would “stay the course.” There was never a question of what we would accomplish. We did have to keep asking how we would accomplish it.

Lesson #3 Embrace technology without making it an all or nothing proposition. Technology is a tool–it doesn’t replace anything and shouldn’t be the only tool we use.

Humans love predictability–we actually depend on it. We are currently living with a lot of uncertainty. When I started writing in an attempt to get “centered” I realized how important it is to occasionally focus on what hasn’t and won’t change. I didn’t write a list but once I started thinking about it, there’s a lot that won’t change. The law of gravity is a place to start, there’s no indication that’s going to change any time soon. It might seem silly but it’s about getting started and recognizing it’s not something you finish. It’s really about changing focus.

Personally, I’m learning to hate the phrase “new normal” almost as much as I find “we’re all in this together” annoying. While it’s true that COVID-19 affects everyone it’s equally true that it affects everyone differently. For that reason, I believe we each have the ability to largely control and develop our own “new normal.” We just have to get centered and focused, stay connected to others, and use technology and other tools as we move forward through time.

Conclusion: We do not have to be a victim of COVID-19 or anything else that comes along.

Dear Parent…

One of the educational forums I visit regularly has a recently started thread asking teachers to share the letter to homeschooling parents they wish they could write. Needless to say, there are some funny ones… and some that have quite an edge on them. After all, it’s somewhat normal to criticize teachers and blame them for behavioral issues and any lack of learning. Right now, the shoe is on the other foot.

Social media has also given rise to some funny stuff that acknowledges homeschooling may prove that the business of teaching and learning is not so easy. “If you drive by and see the kids outside and the doors locked, it’s because we’re having a fire drill.”

And the cartoons! Since Dad sometimes fills the role of “principal” I also liked the one where it’s apparent the Mom Teacher has threatened the Child Student with being sent to the Dad Principal. The child points out that the principal is sitting on the couch in his underwear.

It’s great that we’re having fun with this… and it may turn out that parents end up with a greater appreciation for teachers and the school environment. I hope so because I don’t think we fully appreciate some of the advantages the school environment provides.

One of the big ones is that schools are designed as a learning environment–learning is the norm and it’s an obvious expectation. Everything from the furniture to what’s hanging on the walls in the classroom is about learning. When you walk into a school building there is no doubt over what is going on inside

If I were writing to parents about the current situation, I’d be tempted to ask a question, particularly to those who are finding homeschooling a challenge. Is your home a learning environment?

I’m not suggesting that homes should look like a school, although for homeschooling there should be some specific physical learning areas if that’s possible. I am asking whether or not learning–and the value and fun of learning come through clearly.

A downside of “school,” is that some kids come to “hate” it. I wrote a piece a while back about an adult student who advised that she was “sick of learning.” (.) I sincerely hoped she was sick of being taught–that’s fundamentally different. There’s a difference. Learning is a natural process that we instinctively embrace. One of my classroom rules is that we are going to enjoy learning. Or at least try!

Learning should be about curiosity, exploration, and fun. Those are things that shouldn’t be limited to a classroom. In fact, the classroom has a disadvantage on this point. Due to the need for assessments and grades, it’s easy to lose sight of the fun.

When I’m teaching adults one of the more fun things is when parents share stories about how their kids view the parent’s learning. There’s a connection that can lead to some funny things. Sharing is important because it makes learning natural. I will always remember the Mom who arrived for a class starting with a quiz. She said that her young son warned her before she left, “Mom if you don’t pass today, there will be no electronics for the week.” He was quite serious. While it was funny, it also means that quizzes and tests are part of the family environment. And so are the consequences! Creating a learning environment can be as simple as a kid who sees Mom or Dad reading. Learning becomes a way of life.

I remember once being behind a woman towing a toddler through a store. The toddler was in the “why?” stage which can be very tiring. When he asked his question, Mom replied with her own question, “What do you think?”

There’s a lot to like about that response. It reflects that thinking is valued. It acknowledges that curiosity and exploration are a way of life. A child being raised in that environment will learn.

So if homeschooling is a current challenge, remember to teach the joy of learning–don’t just do worksheets and follow schedules. Kids may not want to sit down and complete worksheets and other tasks but they are curious and they will enjoy learning if we give them the chance.

A couple of resources

I did share this on Mr. Boomsma’s Facebook Page and have had some good feedback… “sheltering in place” (or whatever we call it) is particularly hard on teens. Parents may find this site helpful!

I have always been a fan of the JED Foundation… you’ll find links elsewhere on the site. They’ve recently announced a new project based on the truth that

“Love is louder than the distance between us.”