Small People – Big Brains: Stories About Simplicity, Exploration, and Wonder

“Mr. Boomsma” shares some of his experiences with kids over the past decade as a volunteer and, most recently, substitute elementary school teacher. Many of these short stories will make you laugh. Some will make you cry. All will make you think.
“This is a light fast read until it isn’t, and then you stop and read a sentence or a thought a couple of times… you will enjoy these classic and classy observations on the art and science of
Jack Falvey, frequent contributor to the Wall Street Journal
learning… a light touch, an entertaining style and some solid content…”
Exploring Traditions—Celebrating the Grange Way of Life

A series of essays exploring the relevance of the Grange, a 150-year-old organization, in modern society. Walter Boomsma examines the basis of the Grange Ritual and the value of tradition when it is understood and applied in a way that aligns us with nature and creates community.
“What an asset this will be to Grangers, new and old alike, to understand where we’ve been, what’s important about where we are now in relation to our history, and, inspire beyond the Grange how we can move those valuable principles into our wider communities. Rituals lose relevance if we don’t scrutinize for meaning and relevance. This book of essays does just that–drawing on old, strong principled roots to grow into the future! We can’t know where we’re going if we don’t know where we’ve been.”
Heather Retberg, Past Master of Halcyon Grange #345
Mr. Boomsma’s Substitute Teacher Workbook

This workbook was developed for use in “Mr. Boomsma’s Substitute Teacher Workshop” and, as such, may appear to be missing content if viewed without participating. However, there is plenty of standalone information, including a substitute teacher’s checklist, an overview of several teaching strategies, and resources for further study.
“The kids are going to test you. But the crazy thing is they want you to win.”
Mr. Boomsma, author and educator
Maine Real Estate Law and Rule Book

Edited by Walter Boomsma, updated to reflect changes through November 1, 2019, this Maine Real Estate Law and Rules Handbook is designed as a reference and study aid for students taking licensing courses. The handbook reprints most applicable statutes and rules relative to real estate licensing and brokerage practice.
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