Because there’s some chaos on the site, here’s a quick and easy way to get some detailed information. Download
— this page flyer/poster lists all of the Suicide Awareness and Prevention Classes I have scheduled for this fall.
— this is a print version of my Learning Opportunities Newsletter. Lots of information including summary information about all courses (including real estate) I have schedule for this fall.
Remember that you can always get course dates, times, and locations by visiting the .
This fun one-day program is designed to prepare people interested in serving as a substitute teacher or ed tech. There will be plenty of “hands on learning” that will include important classroom management techniques and teaching strategies. We’ll also cover some legal aspects and help you develop your own “sub pack” of resources and an action plan that will get you started on the right foot! If you’ve been subbing, this is a great opportunity for a “refresher” and some new ideas. Attendees will earn a certificate recognized by many local districts. One student comments, “…very engaging with a lot of real life scenarios. I came away with new information even after subbing for a year.” The program is taught by Walter Boomsma, an experienced substitute teacher and adult educator.
There are currently two opportunities to learn scheduled:
On thy grave the rain shall fall from the eyes of a mighty nation!
Thomas William Parsons
A dismal day for parades and celebrations, but perhaps in another way ironically appropriate. Certainly those we remember faced far greater difficulties than we do as we face this day. Let us remember…
Walter Boomsma (“Mr. Boomsma”) writes on a wide array of topics including personal development, teaching and learning. Course information is also available here!