Tag Archives: Photography

It Was Sunday, Afterall

Let’s start a movement and call it “Simply Sunday.” The idea behind it would be how simple can we make life on Sundays.

So the short update for yesterday is simply short. We didn’t do much. Just to give you an idea of what that means, one significant event was munching on maple-frosted cinnamon buns purchased on Saturday.

We did reinstitute the decades-old tradition of “going for a Sunday Drive” to nowhere in particular. That included some picture-taking.

Monday (today) is not proving quite as simple. For some reason, downloading yesterday’s photos from the camera is challenging. I think I’ve narrowed the problem down to a faulty adapter.

So here I am in a place where I can readily find maple-frosted cinnamon buns, fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole milk. However, I’m not so sure the cable I need will be easily located, which might not be a bad thing.

A return visit to Behalt is coming up and takes priority, either today or tomorrow morning. Tomorrow night, we have dinner prepared by an Amish couple in their home. I can still take photos (no face shots of the Amish*). Posting them may be delayed.

The technology issue is truly a gelassenheit moment.**

We are moving slower and sleeping better. Is that a sufficient update for today?

*The subject of photographing the Amish is not as simple as many people believe. While at Behalt, the two volunteers (Mennonites) assured me I could photograph anything but them–it was obviously a camera shyness and somewhat humorous request. I teased, “Oh, I understand. You think that taking your picture with a camera will steal your soul.” We had a good laugh, but there are Englisch who believe the Amish think that.

**Gelassenheit is a German word often used to describe the Amish mindset. It does not translate easily, but the Cambridge Dictionary explains it “means calmness, composure, poise or serenity in English.” It’s a sort of “so be it” way of thinking that I have written about elsewhere. Check out Cows, Corn, and Calm.